wall project

Perimeter wall construction project

The White Water Meadows Citizen’s Association have listened to the call of the residents of White Water Meadows, and noted that some of our residents have been consistently asking for the perimeter wall to be constructed, starting at the Stanhope/Sydenham border. The Citizen Association welcomes this venture and will offer oversight on this critical project.

The project and planning director who is a member of the executive body will oversee this charge. In order to successfully complete this project we need the support of the residents. This is ever more critical given the several attempts made in the past that were unsuccessful because of the lack of support.

The perimeter wall is a major part of our security plan and given the cries of the residents we believe that the time is right to launch another initiative to get the project started. We are extending an invitation to the residents who have the development of the community at heart, to meet with us on Sunday January 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm. This is to form a building committee to manage this critical project. With the right human resources in place and the support of the residents, the building of the wall will be a reality.

We are seeking persons who are committed to the process from beginning to end. We also need persons with experience in the area of architecture, masonry, administration, etc who will help to guide our discussion. We need about 5 to seven persons on the committee. The details of the project will be expounded on at the committee’s first meeting.

The committee will report to the planning and project director on a monthly basis. The planning director will report to the residents at our General meetings.
If people are not willing to put in the work, the building of the wall will not be a reality for us, but a wishful dream. Let us take this opportunity to prove to ourselves that as a people we can accomplish great tasks.

From this meeting a project leader will be appointed and from thereafter the work managed by this building committee.
Please note that the funds collected from the current tag drive for the CCTV cameras will not be diverted to another project. The CCTV project will run concurrently with this wall project.

Persons can indicate their interest by sending a message to the association cell number 876-316-5713, stating so.
see you at the meeting Sunday January 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm. Meeting link will be sent as soon as interested persons are identified.