kidstreat 2022

Children’s Treat 2022 a succcess

The annual back to school Children Treat took place on Sunday August 28, after a long break caused by the pandemic. Children and Parents turned up to the Community Park anticipating a evening of fun & games and they were not disappointed.
The event chaired by PRO Karim Sewell, got underway with a free-for-all quiz segment where students were given prizes for the correct answers. This was followed by the handing out of Back to School packages to all children present. Packages comprised of notebooks, geometry sets, pens, pencils, scientific calculators, rulers, sharpeners, and water bottles. 
Approximately eighteen (18) high school students received book vouchers for Kingston Book Shop valued at $3,000 each.
After the presentation segment, the students participated in interactive games such as Musical Chairs and other forms of entertainment. While this took place all in attendance were treated to Ice cream, cup cakes and cake.
The White Water Meadows Citizens Association wishes to thank our sponsors Grace Kennedy Ltd, Bacchas Engineering and MP Andrew Weathley for their very generous contributions.
Special thanks also goes out to Bonica Thawe for the tasty cup cakes she provided, Andrea Golding who served ice cream and also contributed bottled water, Rosemarie Myrie who assisted with the packaging and storing of the cakes and last but not least, our very hard working executive team for a job well done.