Feb 20, 2023
Good day Residents,
Please see below document showing the result of our collection efforts and the monies spent on the different stages of the wall building project (Stanhope Rd / Sydenham border).
Below you will see the scope of works and cost estimate for the completion of phase 4 of the wall project.
Scope of Works
As mentioned before this stage will see us laying and filling 1,000 blocks bringing the wall up to a level of 4 feet while we await the approval of the Parish Council.
Total Needed for phase 4 is $327,500.00 and is broken down as shown below.
Material Needed
– 1,000 blocks – $142,000.00
– 40 bags cement – $56,000.00
– 5 yds sand – $19,500.00
*Material Total = $217,500.00*
1) Lay 1,000 blocks and fill block pockets @ $11,000.00 per 100 (to include Labourer)
Labour Total = $110,000.00
Of the $327,500.00 needed, we have collected $291,557.12 leaving a shortfall of $35,942.88
Help us to raise the balance needed by way of Donating Cash or Material.
Lets get this done.