Wall Building Project Stage 3 Update

Stage 3 of the Wall Project is ongoing, we completed the following:
1) Digging 42 feet foundation
2) Steelwork for said area
3) Casting of 42 feet foundation.
However, as mentioned before, we are short of funds to complete the scope of works for this stage, the following is yet to be done:
1) Lay 300 blocks
2) Fill 900 block pockets
We want to continue with the construction this week and is seeking your assistance with the following:
* 300 blocks
* 10 bags of cement
We appreciate ANY contribution to push the project forward, please contact us with your donations:
Tel/whatsapp: 876 836-0661 (Project Manager)
Tel/whatsapp: 876 316-5713
Email: office@whitewatermeadows.org.jm