Upcoming General Elections

Dear Residents,

The term for the current administration comes to an end on July 31, 2023.
We have been and continue to ask for volunteers to step forward and serve their fellow residents.
Those of us who understand the importance of community development, please make the effort to do your part.

We now need leaders, we are searching for capable and willing persons to serve.
We are inviting the youths to come on board.
Our community will not be developed without its human resources.
Most of the members of the current administration will not be available for reelection, so new persons must step forward.

All positions are open for nomination of new candidates.
We need:
A president
2 vice president
A treasurer and assistant
A secretary and assistant
A public relations officer and assistant
A project manager

We need at least ten persons to answer the call.

Will you?

On another note,
The Constituency Development meeting will be held shortly.
I take this opportunity to encourage the residents to change their place of voting to the constituency in which they reside.
we are encouraging all residents, who can vote to do so for the party of YOUR choice.

History has shown that not getting involve doesn’t fix the problem.

Let your voice be heard.

Politician make decision based on numbers.
The records show that only a few of our residents vote and this does affect the decision making process.