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4th Qtr Financial Report: August 1st, 2023 – July 31st, 2024

Below is a summary of our major Earnings & Expenditures for the period 1st May 2024 to 31st July 2024.

Maintenance Dues – $256,800.00
Maintenance Dues is our primary source of income and this goes mainly towards the maintaining of some of our green areas within the community.
A special thanks to our team of collectors, to include volunteers. We couldn’t have done this without you.

Donations – $54,200.00
Residents were also asked to make donations to two projects.
1) Labour Day Activities – $4,300.00
2) Road Patching Project – $49,900.00
Thanks to those of you who donated.

Beautification – $150,000.00
This mainly involves the cutting of the entrance leading to the Hartland Road and sections of the Community Park & the Stanhope Green Area.
Because of our limited funds, we are restricted to focus mainly on the entrance and just 50% of the park. Cutting these 2 areas alone cost approximately $90,000 each time.

Labour Day Project – $51,148.56
Once again our Labour Day project was focused on beautifying the entrance. All the money was spent to purchase material as all Labour was voluntary.

Road Repair Project & Speed Bump – $146,105.00
Extensive patching was done along the entrance leading to the community and sections of the Boulevard. One (1) speed bump was constructed along the Boulevard and another is contemplated because of the continued speeding of motorists on our roads. The cost above represents material and Labour.

Website Maintenance – $8,000.00
The monthly cost to maintain our website is $2,000 with the total for this quarter covering 4 months. Information is posted regularly to our website so please click the link below to see these updates.

A BIG THANK YOU to our Executive Members and residents who have continued to support the development of our community.

TEAM – Together Each Achieve More

The Treasurer


Click to download – Q4 Statement Of Accounts 2024