About Us
Founded 2001
The Whitewater Meadows community is a quiet neighbourhood situated on the outskirts of Spanish Town, just off the Hartlands main road. Nestled on ninety-nine (99) acres of land, formally a sugar cane estate, the community has over 800 detached two (2) bedroom houses on lots ranging in sizes from 3,600 to 8,000 square feet.
The community has a number of useful amenities, namely a park, community center and footbal field, a security post at the entrance of the community.
The community has an active Association, The White Water Meadows Citizens Association, which is a registered company with the Registrar of Companies of Jamaica.
The community is managed by an Executive Committee consists of a President and two Vice Presidents, a Secretary and an assistant, a Treasurer and an assistant, a Public Relations Officer and an assistant. In addition there are four standing committees/sub-committees,
• Public safety and Services – to follow the progress of public and civic affairs as they affect the welfare of the community, example, security and public health concerns
• Sports and Recreation Committee
• Development Control – to promote the orderly development of the community
• Public Relations and Fundraising
We have from time to time extended a helping hand to the Spanish Town Community through assistance rendered to the Mustard Seed’s “Dare to Care Children’s Home”. It is the intention of the community to adopt the Children’s home in the near future.

What drives us
Our Mission
To represent its members in all matters of public interests related to the preservation, protection and enhancement of the life and welfare of the community.
Proudly Serving