CCTV Launched

CCTV Surveillance System Launched!

Dear Residents,

The long awaited CCTV Surveillance System is now installed and is in operation.

The cost of this project is $457,882 and this was funded by the CCTV Tag Drive which yielded a total of $382,838.00 and the balance of $75,044.00 came from the treasury.

Let me thank you, the residents (and all our non-resident contributors) for stepping forward and supporting this very important security initiative and also to our hard working team of Executive Members who worked tirelessly to make this a reality.

We are now seeking residents to join the monitoring team.

We will be linking to Jamaica Eye and also engaging the service of a private security company to provide quick responses.

We will keep you inform as to when we will embark on the other areas for CCTV camera coverage.

Let us now turn our attention to the Wall Building Project and see it through to its completion.


Thank you.

The President.
Devon Thawe