Wall Building Project
As part of our community security initiative, the Whitewater Meadows Citizens Association is now undertaking a perimeter wall building project, starting with the Standhope Rd/Sydenham border. We seek to close all illegal access points to the community. Once accomplished, the community will be transformed into a ‘Gated’ concept, and a security post will be re-established to man the entrance. By doing this, we aim to provide a safe and secure environment to raise our families while simultaneously adding value to our property and investments.
How Funded
Updated: June 30th, 2023
Block Tickets Sold
Cash Donations
Monthly Collections
Contribution from General Fund
Cake Sale 2022
Project Status:
#17 June 3oth, 2023
We are thrilled to announce that we have reached the 5th and final stage of the Standhope Rd/Sydenham Border Wall Project. As of June 30th, 2023, we have successfully raised $1,327,647 out of the newly revised estimated total of $1,563,945 required for the entire project.
Project Scope: During stage 5, our focus will be on the following tasks:
- Laying 500 blocks.
- Completing the filling of 20 columns.
- Filling block pockets.
The estimated cost for stage 5 amounts to $355,325.00. We currently have $119,027.20 available in funds, leaving a remaining balance of $236,297.80 to successfully complete this final stage.
#16 February 18th, 2023
This stage will see us laying and filling 1,000 blocks bringing the wall up to a level of 4 feet while we await the approval of the Parish Council.
Total Needed for Stage 4 is $327,500.00 and is broken down as shown below.
*Material Needed*
1,000 blocks – $142,000.00
40 bags cement – $56,000.00
5 yds sand – $19,500.00
Material Total = $217,500.00* Labour*
1) Lay 1,000 blocks and fill block pockets at $11,000.00 per 100 (to include Labourer)
*Labour Total = $110,000.00*
Of the $327,500.00 needed, we have collected $291,557.12 leaving a shortfall of $35,942.88
#15 January 14th, 2023
Stage 4 will commence once the required funding is raised. Stage 4 will include the purchase and lay 1,000 blocks and fill block pockets. Of the $327,500 needed for stage 4, a total of $256,557.12 have already been collected, leaving a balance of $70,942.88.
#14 September 15th, 2022
Project resumed September 17, 2022 with the digging of the final 42ft of foundation. Steel work and casting of the foundation expected to be completed. $192,000 raised for this stage (stage 3)of the project.
#13 August 31st, 2022
Wall Building Project- Stage 3
The wall building project is set to resume on September 10th, 2022
Stage 3 Budget – $300,000.00
Scope of work to be done:
* Dig 42 ft of foundation
* Steel work for 42ft foundation
* Cast 42 ft foundation
* Fill 600 block pockets
* Prepare and Cast 10 columns foot.
Material Needed
* Cement (40 bags)
* Steel (10 Lengths 3/8 inch)
* Steel (15 Lengths 1/2 inch)
* Sand (10 Yrds)
* Gravel (5 Yrds)
#12 August 14th, 2022
Total funding to date is $772,500 of which we have spent $707,250.07 on work done on Stages 1 & 2.
Available cash balance is $65,249.93
Presently we are working out the scope of works for Stage 3 with the contractor and by Wednesday we should have the associated cost for material and Labour.
Your continued support is anticipated.
#11 July 19th, 2022
1) Work resumed with laying of all 600 blocks contributed by residents.
#10 June 12th, 2022
1) The services of a tractor was engaged, the area cleared and the foundation dug.
2) A Mason Contractor was engaged and the Steel work completed and the foundation casted.
3) Approximately 20ft of the foundation was not dug, as the NWC asked for time to assess pipes in that area and to properly guide us around them.
The cost for work already completed is $615,000 which covers the clearing of the land and digging foundation, Mason work and the cost of Material.
Thanks to the residents who got involved. We were able to collect $412,500 from the three (3) revenue stream assigned to the project (Block Drive tickets, Cash donations & Collection at the Gate).
The shortfall of $202,500 was funded from the general pool of funds.
Some residents also donated building materials which included blocks, cement and steel.
The Next Step:
The next step of this phase of work will involve the laying of blocks. It is our hope to lay approximately 600 blocks which should take the foundation above ground level up to 4 block height.
#9 May 27th, 2022
We have only managed to collect $293,000.00 or 24.4% of the target by way of Cash Donations and Block Tickets sales.
Thanks also to residents who have contributed 430 blocks and 3 yards of stones.
*This means our estimated shortfall is $907,000.00*
Now that the entire area has been cleared and foundation laid, that section of the Sydenham/ Whitewater border is now wide open and need to be closed as quickly as possible.
Please make your donations and contributions quickly
#8 May 23rd, 2022
Construction work started as part of our community labour day project. Additional resources needed including material and cash donations. to fund the project for the weeks to come.
#7 May 15th, 2022
To date we have collected a total of $243,000, ticket sales $66,500, direct cash donations of $113,600 and special collection at the gate on April 30th, 2022 of $62,900 and May 7th-8th $47,300. Some donations in materials have been received along with pledges for other material donations.
#6 May 2nd, 2022
To date we have collected a total of $215,050, ticket sales $61,500 direct cash donations of $90,650 and special collection at the gate on April 30th, 2022 of $62,900. Some donations in materials have been received along with pledges for other material donations.
#5 April 28th, 2022
Schedule of activities finalized:
- On Saturday April 30, 2022 we have dues collection at the entrance from 8am to 6pm, with emphasis on collection for upcoming Wall Project.
- On Saturday and Sunday May 7th and May 8th additional collection in aid of the Wall Project.
- On May 15, 2022 there will be a follow-up zoom meeting to update residents on the Wall Project funding at 4:30 pm
- On May 23, 2022 we will have a Community Labour Day Project focusing on the Wall Project and patching some of the roads.
#4 April 10, 2022
To date we have collected a total of $109,950.00 in both tickets sales & cash donations of $58,650. Some donations in materials have been received along with pledges for other material donations. Block drive tickets are not going as fast as we had anticipated, given the benefits that can be derived from this project. Please get involve and let’s push to get this project off the ground.
#3 April 3rd, 2022
So far we have collected a total of $92,350 from both tickets and cash contributions.
#2. March 19th, 2022
$58,850 raised from ticket sales and direct cash contributions.
#1. March 13, 2022
Project launched w/ ticket sales
Wall Building Project
(Phase One)
As part of our community security initiative the Whitewater Meadows Citizens Association is undertaking a perimeter wall building project, which seeks to close all illegal access points to the community.
When accomplished, the community will be transformed into a “Gated” concept and a security post will be re-established to man the entrance. By doing this, we will be providing a safe and secured environment to raise our families while at the same time adding value to our property and investment.
The project will be broken down into multiple phases starting with the phase 1: The Stanhope /Sydenham Villas access way. Other areas will be attempted depending on the success of the phase 1.
Phase 1
• The Stanhope / Sydenham Villas border where two (2) walls will be built.
• The combined length of both walls will be approximately 285 feet long and 8 feet high and will be built using concrete block with steel reinforcement.
The Cost of Phase 1
• The cost of this phase is approximately $1.2 M (material and labour).
The project will be mainly financed by the “Buy 5 and Sell 10” fundraiser, where residents and property owners as asked to buy 5 tickets and sell an additional 10 tickets at a cost of $200 each. Realizing a total of $3,000 contribution per household
Donations of cash and building materials are also welcome
Stage 5 Cost Estimates (Final Stage)
Wall project financials – June 30th,2023
Wall project financials – Feb 18,2023
Wall project financials – January 14,2023
Wall project financials – October 8,2022
Wall project Financials September 15, 2022
Wall Weekly vol 1 Issue 1 (May 27th, 2022)
Whatsapp or call
876 316-5713
876 836-0661
Project Manager: Donald Tomlinson
Give us a call
876 316-5713
WhatsApp Us
876 316-5713
Send us an email
Drop by and talk
During one of our sensitization or collection drive at the main entrance.
Have Any Questions?
How does the “Buy 5 Sell 10 Block Drive” works?
There are 783 houses within the community, so we are anticipating a positive response from at least 500 household for this phase of the project.
With each ticket costing $200, each household will be asked to Buy 5 tickets (costing $1,000) and to Sell 10 tickets (costing $2,000) external to the community, therefore, the total contribution from each household should be $3,000
What is the objective of this wall project?
For a number of years we have suffered from the constant invasion of our community by persons gaining access along various points that are without fencing. The main access point has always been the Stanhope / Sydenham Villas border. The objective of the wall building project is to close all illegal access points to the community.
Our long term objective will be to transform our community into a “Gated “concept and a
security post will be re-established to manned the entrance.
Who will be managing the project?
The project is been managed by a seven (7) member wall building committee headed by the former Treasurer Nicholas William, the team consist of a diverse group of professionals including an architect. Reports on its progress will be done on a monthly basis at our General Meetings.
All financials will be overseen by the treasury of the Citizens Association
Committee Members
- Nicholas Williams – Head Planning & Development
- Donald Tomlinson
- Emeleo Ebanks
- et al
How do I purchase tickets?
• WhatsApp your Lot # to 876-316-5713 with the tagline “BUY 5 SELL 10” and your tickets will be delivered to you!
• Block Drive tickets can also be purchased or collected at the entrance during our monthly dues collection exercise.
Please note donation of building materials such as blocks , cement and steel are also welcomed, please whatsapp/call 876-316-5713 before you buy any material.
How can I participate in this very important community project?
Purchase Block Drive tickets: WhatsApp your Lot # to 876-316-5713 with the tagline “BUY 5 SELL 10” and your tickets will be delivered to you!
Block Drive tickets can also be purchased or collected at the entrance during our monthly
dues collection exercise.
• Donate building material, please whatsapp/call us before making a purchase.
Can I make my contribution in the form of construction materials such as blocks?
Yes, we welcome donation of building materials such as blocks, cement and steel. Please call/ whatsapp us before placing order.
Can I contribute in the form of cash only, i dont want to sell tickets?
Yes you can! Persons wishing to contribute cash can send a WhatsApp message or call the Association at 876 316-5713. Transfers to our JMMB bank account is also possible. Please see instructions for bank transfers.
Please remember at all time you should be given a receipt for any payment or contribution made to the Citizens Association.
Do you have any additional security plans for the community?
Yes, our medium and long term community security plans involves the implementation of a community wide CCTV system, manned entrance gate with a
fully blocked off perimeter wall around the community. We have already started fundraising for our CCTV system for which contributions are still welcome learn more here.